A collection of stand-alone AUs, spin-off chapters, and random one-shot ideas for the Dramione pairing. Currently featuring: a mock-fable involving bets, marriage and shapeshifting (Cat and Mouse), a classic masquerade ball mishap (Under Freshly Painting Ceilings), and a light academia coffeeshop meet-cute (And Where's the Purpose of Symbolism?).
REQUESTS: Please feel free to request prompts and make suggestions in the comments of the first chapter - I would like this to be a fun collection of random things I want to write, and things other Dramione fans want to read.
Any specific prompts I use will be placed at the start of each chapter, as will any relevant trigger warnings.
~Cover art by @upthehillart on Tumblr (https://upthehillart.tumblr.com/tagged/dramione)~