Raina Parker has only one dream a harmonious trip to france. In order to live her dream she gets against all odds, and finally, is able to go to france.
But what happens when her dream trip is spoiled by the unexpected?
Read to find out!
Aesthetics by @AuroraWalker356 and the Cover by @Feralshadow
Reviews by the judges of the awards, where this book won
Review : Beautiful cover and title. The plot was nothing too short or too long, Just intriguing. The plot is nice, even though quite popular. However, you added little life to yours that gave it a whole different meaning. The best part, you characters were not perfect, not all stories deserve perfect characters. They had flaws and setbacks making them stronger.
Review : This book is captivating from the beginning of chapter 1. Like anyone, literally anyone, call fall in love with this book literally after reading just first five lines. Like the story seemed so realistic. The author did an amazing job with absolutely everything!
Review : I loved this book. The character's were amazing like literally, Raina made me fall in love with her in the first five lines and not to forget Draven, even his character development was off charts! Cause the author didn't make him like Mr. Perfect. If you want a non clichéd humorous story, then this book is what you are looking for.
Top ranking :
#1 in hugs and kisses (on 3/8/2020)
#1 in lively (3/8/2020)