The tale of the Allfather Odin; the god of wisdom, knowledge and curiosity, and how he discovered the runes to unlock full strength is a glorious showcase of why we should all seek for knowledge and power.
In this small yet meaningful poetry anthology, i present to you the gifts that Yggdrasil the mighty tree has given to us all thanks to Odin, and their meaning so that you can achieve your dreams.
And how you can sacrifice yourself to yourself.
Meaning of the Norse words in the book:
Yggdrasill [ig-drah-se-il]: a mighty tree whose trunk rises at the center of the Norse spiritual cosmos, the tree holds the rest of the cosmos and the nine realms around its branches and leaves.
Midgard: the realm of Earth, the world we live in and one of the nine realms.
Skál [pronounced: s-kol]: a word that means "cheers".
Aesir[pronounced: ae-seer]: the male
Norse gods.