*I stared out the window at the street below and watched the cars go by. I had been sitting here for an hour and a half. I sat here after I finished unpacking, not wanting to accept that I was living here. I loved my dad and all, but this was the last place I wanted to be. I hadn’t been here since I last came with my best friend. Bad memories had ruined the beach for me. And I wasn’t ready to revisit them.*
Harley and her friend had been going to the beach every summer for as long as she could remember. This was the first summer she had come there without here. She is forced to face the painful memories of her previous summers there. She meets someone who has a secret, someone who plays a role in her past. A person she only met once. And once she knows the secret, things start to make some sense.
I am alternating chapters. Every other chapter is the past. The past are the summers that Harley spent with her best friend.
I have also posted this on a website called MissLiterati