Benedict Cumberbatch and the Nerd [Benedict Cumberbatch one shot]
6 Partes Concluida The day I received the e mail from PBS I couldn't believe my good fortune. I had won a trip to the UK and a walk on part for the show Sherlock-BBC. So, a month later and I still can't believe I am on a plane to London. It's an amazing turn of events because well nothing ever happens to me. I could describe the hotel, the plane trip, blah,blah,blah, however I am pretty sure you want to know about the set. Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman,etc. Ok, so now how to describe myself. Well, I'm a nerd. I play violin, I'm a genius at math, and I have only been on one date. So, on the cab ride over to the set the reality kicks in that I am going to meet Benedict and Martin and well I am starting to get nervous.What if I totally blow it and I don't get to go on the set or worse yet what if I make a fool of myself in front of Benedict?