When building AI Training Data & ML models, one needs huge amounts of relevant data to help these models make the most optimal decision.The success of such models is highly reliant on the quality of the training set used. A training set that accounts for all variations of the variables in the real world would result in developing more accurate models. When building training sets for AI & ML models, one needs huge amounts of relevant data to help these models make the most optimal decision. Machine learning allows computer systems to tackle very complex problems and deal with inherent variations of hundreds and thousands or millions of variables. The success of such models is highly reliant on the quality of the training set used. A training set that accounts for all variations of the variables in the real world would result in developing more accurate models. Just like in the case of a company collecting survey data to know about their consumer, larger the sample size for the survey is, more accurate the conclusion will be. If the training set isn't large enough, the resultant system won't be able to capture all variations of the input variables resulting in inaccurate conclusions. While AI & ML models need huge amounts of data, they also need the right kind of data, as the system learns from this set of data. Having a sophisticated algorithm for AI & ML models isn't enough when the data used to train these systems are bad or faulty. Training a system on a poor dataset or a dataset that contains wrong data, the system will end up learning wrong lessons, and generate wrong results. And eventually, not work the way it is expected to. On the contrary, a basic algorithm using a high-quality dataset will be able to produce accurate results and function as expected.All Rights Reserved