A girl named Sadia who lives in a town called Callorado with her mother Anna her brother Don and her youngest sister Kim. Before that they used to live in the city and they were a privileged multi millionaire family before a conflict occurred between their father who owned a hiper car company and him bragging upon his pride and making people jealous which had passed away 2 years ago, after getting shot and robbed of his belongings by criminals that took away everything he had which sustained the family. They couldn't support themselves any longer and to finish paying the last part piece of money for their house which resorted them to be living in the forest with their mother and she had to make ends meet of sorts by becoming a proustite wich she kept as a secret from her kids and lied to them that she is a chief at a local restaurant while sadia sells vegetables to people to make some pocket money for her and her siblings. But one day Anna had bumped into some guy who was a manager at a mineing company he admired her despite her circumstances but what that guy was about to do changed her life foreverAll Rights Reserved