( Africans in my lens) the Africa I know of arise before the rise with their theory's in her history, the dusty wood pen of the ancestors is mightier than the bro- anD sisters that are oppressed and colonized in their acts and deeds toward their own; when would africa, put value across her beautiful continent that has been looted from it's ancestry to its children today. The colonial mind set of the African is destroyed by the colonial powers with what they want he to understand and define him or her self. The African is thought to stay muted an accepted everything he's told to be or do ; may not be a college graduate or university graduate; but I am patiently increasing in faith stage of learning beyond the physics of man to the highest comfort of life - connected to the one who sent the Holy Spirit into Essa (Jesus ) AS and path the sea for Musa AS the beholder of ark of Noah AS from flooding i am connected to a better world than your world of calamity bigotry, and jealousy; his Nigerian, his Ghanaian his Guinea Fula his not a Gambian Fuck all the methodology; his this his that , #fuckology that; live your life and stop run your mouth pon people's life. Africa for Africans; when would Africa see themselves and their people as one without discretionary discriminating each other's presence, as one people of one continent. Stop thinking like the oppressors and start acting like the oppressed, know your worth, yourself and embrace your people . "I rest my case here for now! "I used to cry in my soul Now I laugh Hahaha Laugh over laugh Thank you allah Hahaha - Amadou Jarou Bah (Speaks)All Rights Reserved