Long before the fall of Midori-Soleil, Gamehendge: Before the deceit and despair and dilapidation, when The Lizards lived in blissful isolation, free of fret, frothing in fates forbearance they sang and danced their will into existence. Beyond the specs of islands resting on the edge of the seas no lizard had ever thought to cross, sheathed in silver fog lay the land of darkness, Feilpleie Sko!
Hierarchy forged by nature, construed and tainted by the few whose malevolent quest for power, and tyrannical traditions overwhelmed the masses. To go against the King meant certain distasteful disruption from ones own peaceful existence.
Unaware of the prices, Jezmund would soon pay palm, nipple, and nail for the accidental discovery of secrets belonging to those who would seek death before unveiling the truth behind this swampy fools parents murder. Holding on, but never too tight, Jezmund, his life's story and evolution from earnest friend and fisherman to Wilson Duke of Lizards, the most feared threat to Gamehendge, are revealed and portrayed upon these pages.
My Name is Rutherford, and the lessons of the tale herein mustn't be forgotten!