In a world where extraordinary abilities are feared and exploited, five young friends - Maya the shapeshifter, Alex the telepath, Zara the pain manipulator, Kai the time controller, and Noah the anomaly - find themselves hunted by a corrupt government organization known as Project Chimera. Forced to flee for their lives, they become known as the Remnants, a symbol of resistance against oppression.
Guided by a mysterious woman named Elara and trained by the Guardian of a hidden sanctuary, the Remnants hone their powers and embark on a dangerous mission to dismantle Project Chimera and inspire a rebellion. They infiltrate secret facilities, liberate captives, and expose the government's lies, igniting a spark of hope in the hearts of the oppressed.
Through cunning, courage, and the combined force of their extraordinary abilities, the Remnants confront their enemies, overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles, and ultimately triumph over the forces of darkness. But their journey is far from over. They must learn to navigate the complexities of a world rebuilding itself, confront new threats, and embrace their roles as leaders and symbols of hope for a brighter future.
The story of the Remnants is a tale of friendship, courage, and the power of the human spirit to overcome adversity. It is a testament to the enduring strength of hope, even in the face of overwhelming darkness.
p/s : this story is an AI generated
Dikurniakan badan yang berotot sehingga membuat para wanita kagum dengannya, itu sedikit membuat Zafar bangga akan tubuhnya.
Bekerja sebagai kuli dianggapnya, pastinya akan lebih ramai yang mendekatinya disitu.
Namun bukan sahaja para wanita, ada beberapa lelaki juga turut menyatakan serta memuji-muji badannya yang kekar itu.
Tanpa di duga, dirinya seringkli didekati oleh lelaki sehingga membuat Zaf rimas dengan lyanan mereka kepada Zaf. Mampukah diantara beberapa orang lelaki yang cuba mendekati Zaf itu mendapatkan Zaf ?
P/S : Hello ! kali ini author akan mengetengahkan sebuah cerita yang tidak terlalu berat untuk dibaca. Jika terdapat persamaan di dalam jalan cerita ini, mungkin itu hanya kebetulan tanpa disedari.