The full background of my character. It's a work in progress. My characters name is Kimyona. there is death, destruction, and mayhem. it is a thought provoking story with a plot line unlike any other. Please give her a read
You see this girl in your school, in the streets, in the neighborhood, skinny, wearing glasses, altogether not a pretty sight. you see her, you laugh at her, taunt her and spread ugly rumors about her.
but you don't think of her much. for you she is just a person created for your amusement. well turns out the hate inside her is becoming monstrous.
But then the real danger comes into the picture. People can change. She is no exception to this.
Yet is she ready for the reality? The cause of everything around her.
Can she face the cruel stalker when she meets him.
Or does she too fall into his trap and be destroyed.