Based on the show Guddan Tumse Na Ho Payega (Zee TV), this fan-fiction is a slightly different take on this show's storyline.
It starts where the show starts, two exact opposites - the bubbly bundle of mistakes Guddan Gupta and the sheer perfectionist Akshat Jindal - come face to face with each other again and again, and dislike each other from the very beginning. Is it mere coincidence or were they meant to be together one way or the other?
And soon, by the sudden turn of events, both find themselves bound in a marriage of compromise - for Guddan, it's a bargain to save her sister's life and for Akshat, it's all about fulfilling the wish of his late wife.
How long will this compromise last between two people who can't stand each other? Will the same fate that brought them together will tear them apart? Or will they realise that they are in fact made for each other?