st idea How about if while the Phantom is in his lair, unknown to him there is a tiny woman living in a tiny hole, could be a borrower or not, he could discover a singing voice coming from somewhere, but he does not know where, he discovers it is coming from the tiny hole. He could put a big eye or the side of his mask to the hole. He has a really hard time getting her to come out. So, they talk while she is in the hole. He could find little drawings of him lying around his lair. she could be in rags, he could try to make her life better. Maybe she has trouble getting food, so the mice share there food with her, because the Phantom does not eat a lot, because he is so obsessed with writing his music. maybe he could talk to himself out loud, because he is alone down there, and he is angry when he finds out she has been eavesdropping in her hole. Maybe she could be a tiny seamstress that makes her own clothes.
2nd idea How about the Phantom finds a little tiny person at a fair that is being sold, he buys her. He try to talk to her, but she has trust issues.
If anybody would like to write either one of these. Please feel free.
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Love Never Dies
Hi everybody, Hope everyone is having a good Friday night. Today I watched the sequel to Phantom Of The Opera Love Never Dies on YouTube. Andrew Lloyd Webber is streaming one of his musicals for free every Friday. Had never seen the sequel or knew there was one, till last Friday. I like it, It was unique and creative, love the music.You can also get it on DVD or Broadway On Demand. It was funny, today I was watching the show, all of a sudden I hear this hacking sound, I turned to my right, my cat Honey is throwing up by my computer chair !! LOL !! way to pull me out of the show, Honey !!. Today I got Sonic from Grub Hub. I love there Coney chili dog combo with tots and a drink, it is my favorite. Today it was cloudy and rained. I like it when it rains, I think it is peaceful and relaxing.
It had always been Precilla Preline's dream to work at T.O.T.S. as one of their Junior Fliers. She had been preparing since she first heard of it, but only a few days after her arrival, everything starts going haywire. Maybe Christmas won't come after all.
Precilla Preline the Peguin was one of T.O.T.S.'s best new recruits, delivering a lot of baby animals to their families, becoming a fast friend to K.C. the koala. She thought she was the only odd one out at Tiny Ones Transport Service, until she discovered the existence of Pip and Freddy. As the four friends started to build their friendship with each other, the day's arrival of the babies through the Baby Tunnel at T.O.T.S. never came, and now they're all stuck wondering why. With Christmas creeping closer and closer each day, it seemed impossible to for all families to be complete during Christmas.
T.O.T.S. is a TV series about the adventures of Pip the Penguin and Freddie the Flamingo. Their job is to deliver adorable baby animals to their family. But I don't think they have much of a fandom. You guys know I love MLP, and you may think I'm a furry for liking this, too, but I'm not. They are seriously the only two animal shows I watch and enjoy. But if there ever is a T.O.T.S. Fandom, most of them will have their favorite character as Freddie, but not me. I adore Pip and Freddy equally, and maybe Pip a little more...
Started: June 15, 2020
#2 in #tots 08/26/2020 and a bunch of other times. Only second to my other book. Feel free to check them both out ^^