I personally think that as humans we forget the little things.
Even just the thought of thinking about said 'little things' confuses us because our mind blanks.
It usually happens on a day to day basis. You wake up, and notice a little sparkly sequin stuck to your clammy foot. A pause occurs, briefly, as you wonder how on earth it got there (I certainly don't think it was a magical serpent shedding its scales, but it's OK if you believe so), but after the passing of that fleeting moment, other thoughts and images enter your mind to the point where you forget why you were even thinking about a miniscule absurdity in the first place. So you forget.
But then you wake up again. See a sequin again. Think the same thought again. The repetitive nature of these events may spark thoughts about the continuation of forgetting, but the cycle never ends.
I'm sorry homosapien, but our brains (as big as they may seem), just cannot cope with constantly thinking about the little parts of our day to day life (which I think is stupid but why would someone listen to a brain that contradicts what you do all the time), so instead it focuses on the things that supposedly hold more importance to our petty little mortality's.
Maybe we should be a bit more vigilant.