(this is random but I will proceed the story accordingly)
❝with the deadly pandemic becoming more viral by the days that pass, nearly every country in the world has declared their respective nationwide lockdown.
unfortunately, i became one of the victims of the virus they call Corona Virus, much known as CoVid19. i was actually a very outgoing person, i didn't know i had this thing inside my body until my neighborhood were tested one by one, turns out i was asymptomatic, typically described as someone who had this virus in themselves but didn't get the symptoms just like everyone else.
i started to become... alone. my parents weren't allowed to visit or take care of me, my friends started to pity me - which i hated, by the way - and i was forbidden to associate with other people. they were actually scared of what was inside me, and i started to be scared, too.
not until i met him.
hi, i'm lee mina, and i have corona.❞
(a/n: i thought i would make something about what was going on now and i wanted to maybe give you people something to read while in quarantine. stay safe, stay home!)