Sparks fly, wails and yowls filled the air. Smoke rises up the foul stench consuming you. You try to run but you are stuck where you are. You call for help but see cats glance in your direction and run 'NO THIS ISNT HOW IT TURNED OUT!!! I ESCAPED!' You thought. The fire spreads and the smoke engulfs you. You brace yourself for the pain but feel nothing. You hear a voice calling your name. "NO!" You shout. Then you feel the world shake Your name is called again and again. "NO!" You jump up and hiss. A confused mew escapes a cat behind you. You turn and are face to face with Duskstar. "You were writhing in your sleep." He mumbles. "Sorry" you say. Then Dawnkit runs up to you Shinekit trailing her. "They wanted to play with you" he added before turning and walking off. You remember the dream. 'It's fine. I'm here in Echoclan until I build up my clan. I'm here.' Like it says it's a warriors choice game. The beginning part was because the clans had burnt down and became nothing. Duskfire (a former rouge who was taken in and was renamed Duskfire by Shadowclan) had gathered a bunch of cats and brought them together making sure they were fed. Former clan cats and rouges joined together to make Echoclan. Duskfire became Duskstar and he had adopted Dawnkit and Shinekit they lost their mothers to the fire and were best friends. (Different mothers) a medicine cat named Wrenfeather was appointed as well. Those are all my cats! I hope you enjoy playing this! I'll see you at sign ups! (So for this little part basically what happens is you (the leader of a new clan) while gathering (creating) cats you stay with Duskstar is Echoclan! The kits seem to love you! Maybe there's a chance... they would follow you? (I'm going to have a 1-1000 generator! If it picks a certain number while you or your cats are hunting/patroling/gathering/foraging you will receive (moon 1-4) Dawnkit and Shinekit! (Moons 5-17) DawnPaw and Shinepaw! (Moons from then on!) Dawnwatcher and Shinepelt!All Rights Reserved