This story is set in the fictional city of steel, Metatron. Centering around a cyborg knight with amnesia, Metal Provincence is a story based of action, drama, and memory. The protagonist, named Yokouji Tsumaki, is the enforcer of an anti goverment terrorist group by the name of the Anti-Knights. To the eyes of the public, theyre scum. Nothing but unwanted trouble-makers who tear down the "glory" and "honest work" the governing forces have created. In a raid against these so called terrorists, Yokouji gets ensared, and if forced to watch as these people execute his friends and family live for the world to see. To see that anyone and anything that dares oppose them.. Will be snuffed out. Later taken to the Skytower in Metatrons capital, Sion, he is tortured brutally, chained to a table, and experimented on for the KING ARTHUR program. His body being destroyed, deformed. He is then put in a suit of armor. Cybernetic parts filling his body, and overcoming his brain. He is then used. Used to fulfil the wishes of the wretched government he hated so much. His memories scattered.. He must find them. But until then.. He is an enforcer of the City of Steel, Metatron.