This is the Sequel to "Harry Potter and the Ties that Bind" by Brandon Varnell. In this year, Harry makes some attempts to regain his former status of honour. Now don't get me wrong here, Harry is still respected being the "Boy-Who-Lived" and all but somehow his influence on the Wizarding Community has somewhat reduced due to him running away after Hermione's death. Harry has to prove himself to the rest of the world in order to rise higher than he ever was . Easier said than done though as some unforseen events controlled by an hidden hand threatens to hamper his way. Will Harry be able to extricate himself from this Crisis?. The contents of this book is purely mine but I also give honour and credit to Brandon Varnell the original author of the series who granted me his permission to write this book as a sequel to his Harry Potter fanfiction series. In case you are just joining us , this is book four of the series and I assure you it's quite different from the original series so you might want to read Books 1-3 in order not to get confused . Titles are; Harry Potter and the gift of memories Harry Potter and the heir of Slytherin Harry Potter and the ties that bind . Enjoy the book, pls make sure you vote for every chapter . Thank you.All Rights Reserved