Yuvraj Singh was considered as one of the finest all-rounders and also a fearless batsman during his time. Now after his retirement on his illustrious career, he has remained the same, calling a spade a spade. During an Instagram chat with ace India pacer Jasprit Bumrah late on Sunday evening, Yuvraj Singh, the World Cup hero of India in 2007 and 2011, took a jibe at the young cricketers of today, who he felt try to be someone else on social media what they are not on real life. "I feel they try too hard. They become what they are not when they are on social media," Yuvraj Singh said. "I have seen many players who are otherwise very decent but on social media, they become something else," shared the former all-rounder. Jasprit Bumrah, the speedster of India also added that budding players these days seek validation on social media. "I have seen youngsters want validation on social media. That people say they are good. People's opinion should not change perception and it should not matter. You need to have confidence in yourself," said Bumrah. The ace pace bowler also revealed that his mother is more active than him on social media. Yuvraj Singh also replied it is the same with all mothers now-a-days as they shared a good moment there. Yuvraj also praised the current Indian team for their fitness as he thinks they are extremely fit and takes care of their bodies pretty well. "Today there is so much information out there. It was not the case when we were playing so it helps and you guys are extremely fit," said Yuvraj Singh who made his ODI debut way back in 2000 and retired from international cricket in 2019 after having a stunning career. He last featured in a game for India in September 2017 in an ODI against the West Indies.All Rights Reserved
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