This is a story about Hiccup and Jack Friends.Best Friends until they met Elsa will they ruined their friendship because of Elsa?
Elsa A.K.A Elsie:Have powers , shy , Strong , loner , Likes chocolate , Do not like to go to proms , sweet , kind , respectful to others
Hiccup A.K.A Hic:Not a dragon tamer , biker , Hottest guy in the school , Badboy , kind
Jack:No powers , 2nd hottest guy in the school , biker , Trouble Maker , has a girlfriend, Rapunzel
Rapunzel A.K.A Rap:Most Popular Girl in school, cheerleader , Diva , Drama Queen , Sweet , Everyboy wants her , Has a boyfriend , Jack
Merida A.K.A Mer:Tomboy , No scottish accent , Crush on Hiccup , Famous in school like Rapunzel , Everyone respects her but Jack , Hiccup and Rapunzel
Anna:Cheerful , cheerleader team , Sweet , have a crush on Hiccup , Loves chocolate like Elsa , funny , cute , kind
Kristoff A.K.A Kris:Country boy , Stronf , Crush on Anna , Loves carrot , funny , sweet , kind , sensetive
Hello this is a Big Eight fanfiction in which Hiccup will have super speed like the flash , Jack will have ice powers same as Elsa's , Merida will have incredible instincts reflexes and fighting skills and will be a master of bow and arrow with also trick arrows and rapunzel can heal things make force fields whips and shields. The leader of the group will be Hiccup. This not an ordinary Big 8 fanfiction book in which pitch comes and blah blah( No offence). This is story in which there will be an actual plot, his of the characters. The story is humorous and will take place in the modern world. Just start reading it and I assure you, you'll be hooked up. Bye guys and have a good day.