2 chapitres Terminé Juliet was not Romeo's first love.
Before he met his beloved Juliet, Romeo was hopelessly in love with Juliet's cousin, Rosaline.
When Romeo finally meets the love of his life, Rosaline was completely replaced.
Rosaline was completely forgotten.
"Oh Sehun..."
"I'm sorry, Jang Mi-ya."
"It ends here?"
"I'm really sorry."
"Did you even love me?"
"I did. I really did."
"Did. Past tense."
"Forgive me, Jang Mi-ya."
"Sehun-ah, do you know who Rosaline is?"
"Who's that?"
"She was Romeo's first love."
Q u e s t i o n s :
* What is first love?
* When do you experience it?
* What is it like when you experience it?
* Do you forget about it eventually once it's over?
- Inexperienced Teen
A n s w e r :
Hmm... I don't really know, but they said experiencing your first love is one of the most amazing feeling in the world, though it can also be the worst. It consumes most of your time because it's a new kind of feeling. It brings a person endless heart break and anticipation. First love is kind of like a mixture of infatuation and obsession. One does not know its end. Some people might experience it earlier than others. Some might be lucky to marry their first loves, some are not. But most importantly, it could never be forgotten. First loves tend to be imprinted on a person's life forever.
- Rose, (somehow) experienced.
The original version can be found on Asianfanfics.com.