I've been experimenting with short stories as a way to feel out my voice and writing style. If any of these stories seem interesting to you, please comment! I'd love to know which of them captured your imagination and which of them I should build out into longer works! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A way out Shifa has lived in Ursa all her life. Losing her parents at an early age, and soon to lose her aunt, she struggles with finding a purpose for herself. Read this short story about her life to find out what she does next. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journey A young man makes the trip to settle a new planet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Escape How does one continue after everything is taken from them? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunken A thief has stolen their only prized possession, a necklace her mother had worn as long as Hara had known her. Frustrated that someone had stole what little they already had, Hara makes for Maretown to vent her feelings to her brother, only to discover that she has a way to get it back. The mystery unravels as Hara discovers the truth behind the thief. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back to normal A brief look into Kaz's life as she unwinds from work at her kickboxing gym. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------All Rights Reserved