In a new age, Nova finds herself stranded in a life of hiding. As a survivor of Kylo Ren's attack, the lone Jedi must find her place in the fragile galaxy, fueling the fire which burns inside her to avenge the many who had perished from the First Order's hand. She has never had a home, or a family. Nova has never properly belonged anywhere, due to being born in an active warzone during the Rebellion. The misplaced Jedi must now create her own sense of purpose and write her own fate; following in her parents footsteps to free the Galaxy of an oppressive plague. 🇵🇴🇪 🇩🇦🇲🇪🇷🇴🇳 🇽 🇴🇨 (🇸🇪🇶🇺🇪🇱 🇹🇷🇮🇱🇴🇬🇾) TW: use of strong language and violence EXTENDED SEQUEL TO 'ECLIPSE'. BOOK 3/3 OF THE HOPE SERIES. All parts are available on my profile.