This will be a compilation of short stories and ideas I have about two DnD characters. They won't be in a particular order, considering I have some random short stories already made.
The first character is called Ilka. She was one of my first DnD characters. She is a barbarian (Path of the Totem Warrior), and a Half-Orc. Most of the time she level headed, but is quick to get enraged and angered if provoked enough. She is a motherly type to younger adventurers and children. And she is a very, VERY strong woman.
The second character is called Kreig. He is one my friend's many DnD characters. He is also a barbarian (Path of the Beserker), and a Silver Dragonborn. He is constantly mad about life. Extremely aggressive to just about anyone, and willing to throw fist at anything wanting to fight him. He is a strong and honorable warrior, but is rather crass and a bit of an asshole.
The two butt heads a lot. And I mean, A LOT!! They fight and bicker constantly. But in the end, they do care for one another in their own ways.
Other names that will be seen or dropped in these stories are fellow DnD character of my own or of my friends. This is mostly for fun.