Over the years werewolves and vampires were cursed to roam the world, living eternally, fighting amongst themselves, eventually going into hiding. 97 years later, a selected few of a hundred juvenile adolescences were released back into the world, which were laid into ruins by the human race. Reminiscence of the life left behind. The 100 are now faced to leave the comfort of their cells to this rural planet they called Earth. They are challenged to see if the Earth is survivable. However, nothing ever goes as planned and now Clarke Griffin is faced with many hard decisions to keep everyone alive, while fighting the animal within. What will she do when everything she does is to keep everyone alive is challenged by Bellamy Blake? Can the two find common ground? Or will their animalistic urge compromise each other's leadership?
105 Kapitel Abgeschlossene Geschichte Erwachseneninhalt
105 Kapitel
Abgeschlossene Geschichte
97 years ago, the world ended. It didn't get better after that. There was no rainbow, no olive branch. The flood of destruction would not simply evaporate once all the sinners had been purged. There was only death.
When a new hope came, the first were sent back down to Earth. Not the salvation that many had hoped for centuries before, just children. Sinners.
Among those sinners came a girl, Wren. Known by few and admired by many. A symbol of what many hoped would spark change. But she was not the salvation they had imagined, either. She was not what they imagined.
Soon, everything would change. She would have to determine those that were her true friends. Because when war comes, they may be all we have left.
The 100
Bellamy Blake x female! OC
Seasons 1-5
All credit (except for my OCs) goes to Kass Morgan, Jason Rothenberg and all other writers and creators of The 100 and everything it is inspired by.
I'm still fairly new to writing and I've never written this much angst in one book, so please don't judge too much
Warnings: Violence, death, thoughts and themes related to su*cIde, alcoholism, drug use, human experimentation, loss of limb, sex references, foul language, angst