Not judging by its name, Winter Poetry is a collection of self written poems by me , Zen, and is a go to read poetry books for all weathers and seasons.These are poems from one heart for the millions hearts. Most of these poems are SAD while a few are hope giving and more of happy. Any criticism / feedback is welcomed. I will be posting a poem every Monday, Wednesday and Friday until I feel like it's enough. This is my first book so please give it a try and if the response is positive I'll continue doing so. The prompts are mainly based on the life of growing up of a teenager and the different phases of life. Romance, heartbreak, crush, friends, betrayal, trust, etc all of 'em. In short a complete package of all.
Sending you so much love.
Let's be honest. Some words are better left unsaid, these..these are my words that shouldn't have been said. Some of these I know are not perfect, but they are mine. My thoughts and pain I have been though, I will not apologize for speaking my truth. And I advise you don't either, it's what makes us who we are.