Rose Thorn is the nicest and friendliest girl at school, everyone thinks she's sociable and is happy to accompany her. But nobody knows her other side.
Darrel Burn Touch is the most popular guy at school, his circle of friends is gigantic, and his girlfriend, Casey Newton, is the hottest girl, they say. But nobody knows who he is further more.
As light and dark cross, two young people, who barely know each other, see the others biggest secret.
[There can be faults in the translation, if there is: please comment]
ik ga het verhaal afmaken maken nynkenicolai
het gaat over een meisje van 17 jaar genaamd nova ontvoerd door de bankzitters voor hun little wil je weten hoe het verder gaat lees dan it verhaal
( les eerst het verhaal van nynkenicolai )