"Please," he begged. I watched in horror as the blood from the wound in his chest spread through his shirt. I looked around at our fallen brothers and sisters. Our fallen family. I had to put a gun to his head. I had to take his life so these monsters didn't. He was slipping from my grasp and I had to accept that. I closed my eyes and pulled the trigger. You had to kill in order to stay alive. _________________________________________________________________ The world is filled with the dead. Not just their bodies, but their need to kill. For Cassidy Marvel, that's nothing but true. Once the dead takes the love of her life, she must fend for herself and take on the dead world. But she soon finds a group willing to take her in, to help her. One archer among this group turns out to be the closest thing she's had to a friend for a while. The closest thing she's had to family. Blood makes you related, but loyalty makes you family. *This is set in the beginning of season two* *DISCLAIMER* I do not own The Walking Dead of any of its characters. I only own what I've come up with* MILD CUSSINGAll Rights Reserved