This is a rewritten story of King of the Forest. Jonathan (Delirious) is the prince of the forest. At a young age Delirious was kidnapped from his home. The women that kidnapped Delirious is an outcast and criminal of the Forest kingdom and the Sky kingdom aka the owl kingdom. Delirious doesn't remember his past as a prince. Jonathan now lives a normal life in a small village called Forx(random name) with his friends(will be named later). Evan Fong is the prince of the Sky kingdom or better known as the Owl Kingdom because he's family is mostly Owls. When Evan was young both the Forest and Sky kingdom decided that no matter the gender there first born child would marry and unit there kingdoms. Here's more information if you don't understand both Jon and Evan are princes. Jon is the prince of the Forest kingdom and Evan the prince of the Sky Kingdom. Both are first blood to the throne of there Kingdoms. When both Jon and Evan where born they decided that they would marry to unit the kingdoms. As they grew up Evan and Jon become close, but when Jon was 5 (Evan was 7 at the time) he was kidnapped. Cover not my If you know the artist please tell me, that way I can credit them.All Rights Reserved