Alexa Raphiel Vargas, a respected gang leader, finds herself tormented by unrequited love for the enigmatic and heartless SSG president, Matthew Ace Montemayor. Despite her attempts to forget him by reinventing herself, Ace's sudden realization of his own feelings for her turns their world upside down. As their complicated relationship unfolds amidst power plays and loyalty conflicts, they must navigate a treacherous path where personal desires clash with their roles in the underground world. "Amidst the ruthless world of power and betrayal, a formidable leader's unspoken love for a cold-hearted president ignites a turbulent romance. As shifting loyalties and personal desires collide, they must choose between their high-stakes roles and their true feelings." A story that proves; "True love challenges us to balance personal desires with professional duties, proving that even in the harshest environments, the heart's truth can disrupt the status quo." Story of Ace Matthew Montemayor and Alexa Raphiel Vargas