The earpiece was small and dainty, and compact, very unlike how it used to be, a large-ish chunk of rock, light reflecting off of its every surface. What remained of that precious stone was a twisting and curling snake, perfectly wrapping around her outer ear without piercing through it. Each and every scale was smooth and pearlescent in nature, a perfect replica of mine, only miniaturized.
"Here," I said, offering her the small trinket that lay within my palm. "I know that its not an apology or anything like that, but I want you to have it"
She took it from my hand and gazed upon the intricacy of my creation, and I saw the perfect picture of awe in her eyes. I had crafted it with her needs in mind, a way to show her that I truly know her for who she is, quirks and all. I knew how she didn't like things to show off very much, so I had made it in a way that she could hide it within her hair and keep it secret from all who would look. And I knew of her distaste of pointy things that go through her ears, so I had kept that in mind so that it may wrap around her ear instead of going through it. And most of all I knew her love, and admiration of things given to her out of pure love and kindness.
Damon thought he was a regular human, a run of the mill teenager. Turns out he was anything but. As it turns out his unknown father had kept a shocking secret. He was a naga. And through basic genetics, a gene that was recessive, not dominant until he came of age. After sixteen long years, on his birthday, Damon changed, just like his father, into a naga. A half human-half snake being, thought to exist only in myths and legends across the globe.
The corner of his mouth tilts upward slightly.
I smile again.
A smile!?
A tiny one, but still.
"Hm. So I got you to smile, that's progress, yeah? Can I get your name now?"
I ask, swinging my feel a little.
He shakes his head shyly, his mouth not moving at all.
Geez! Why do I want to hear this dude talk so much?
"Okay, that's fine. I can give you a nickname."
I offer happily.
He looks up from his book, raising his eyebrows. I just stare for a moment.
He has nice eyes.
Pretty brown chocolate orbs.
They remind me so much of.......
He shakes his head immediately, frowning.
"What, why not? You remind me of my old teddy bear. He was a good listener and he didn't talk much..... just like you."
I say softly, tilting my head.
He continues to shake his head.
I fold my arms, leaning back in my seat.
"Yeah, it's definitely sticking. Teddy.....It has a nice ring to it, yeah?"
He sighs, the first sound I have ever heard him make.
She gave me a fucking NICKNAME!?
What the hell does this girl want!?
I stuff my hands into my pockets, walking down the busy street.
Forget about her.
She's just a annoying pretty girl, she'll go away.
Everybody does.
She HAS to go away.
*Spoiler alert*: she doesn't.
Don't get close to people or they'll end up getting hurt.
That's my mindset.
I've been through enough of that.
This girl doesn't belong in my world anyway.
She's too innocent.
*Mature content*
{Just a quick update, I am basically rewriting the story. I wrote it when I was in 8th grade and it makes me cringe every time I try to go back and edit it so keep in mind that it'll get better}