How much cruelty could be hidden behind a tender glance?
Ada is just the latest breakout success to join the elite of young entrepreneurs. Dealing with such wealth and influence has never been easy. While her face floods international newspapers and cover finance magazines, ghosts harrow her to the depths of a anguish pit. Smothered by her own feelings, she seeks help, but what she finds is not quite what she expected to be.
Now her soul is given to the devil and the few fragments that last must burn as her body rips in an abyss between the extremes of pleasure and pain as she discovers that her therapy chair was actually the entrance for the hellish horrors of the torture chamber of a wicked dominatrix.
"I was a very bad girl with no sense of respect for others freedom. It was very pleasant to me in some way. A tiny reward I sought to make up my oppressed desires, but at the first time I steped over Mme. Antonine's mansion's floor, I felt something changing within."
"The graceful tendernes of her enigmatic gestures, the sensuality over her lips, sparks of malevolence striking from her tranquility glances... I was enthralled by her aura and she took my heart, seducing my feelings until I quit my freedom and give myself as a docile submissive. She became a vice and I wanted that drug every more, swallowed by our grim relationship. I was hers, she grabbed the whole control of my life."
"I unbutton my t-shirt slowly as she was staring me with a lust thirsty desire. I bit my lips as my glance fleet avoiding to look her eyes. My fingers shivering maked it harder to take off my clothes and I know I was so anxiety. Our hellish debauchery has just started."
"My self is burst when it's over but I waited for this moment the whole night, and finally I can get my reward. I shrink as I grab each fragment from this moment. My soul is crashed, my body is burning, I don't even know who I am anymore. But that's okay... I am happy."