In the June issue of The Next Truth; together with Dr. Thomas Zoufal we explore the Light-Trough-The-Wall experiment, Dark matter and advanced Speed Machines. Prof. Waldemar Schmidt and Prof. Gregg Henriques are setting our minds on a quest to come to know if the Big Bang is a psychological event, Prof. Krystine Batcho is discussing if nostalgic memories are the ghost of our past or it they are can be considered as the future memories of our lives and Dr. Dheeraj Pasham leads us along dormant Black Holes and X-ray Pulses.
Also in this issue; Researchers from Spain and France explore the physics of beer tapping, we hunt down the ripples in a mysterious and invisible source what is fine-tuning our universe, the Karlsruher Institute of Technology presents its latest progress in Artificial Intelligence with self-awareness, the Max-Planck-Institut for Radioastronomie speaks of a new experiment in how to understand dark matter interacting with standard matter and we take a quantum-leap into Helio-physics.