* WARNING ; If Your NOT A Mindless Freak -- I Repeat A MINDLESS Freak , Then Fuck Off , Go Fuck Yourself &&'d Swerve Homie. c: Mmm K ? K. ^.^ -- ENJOY !!! ' Today Was You &&'d Chresanto's ( Roc's ) O3 Month Anniversary. Usually YOUR Always Surprising Him , Giving Him Whaaa He Wants But Tonight ; That All Changes . . He Has A ' Surprise ' For You. Hmm ! c; * HOME * ' You Were At Home In The Kitchen Preparing Roc's Favorite Dish. Roc Walks In From Hanging Wiff Prod , Ray , &&'d Prince. He Smells Something Good &&'d Notices You. He Slowly Walks Behind You &&'d Hugs You From Behind ! You Squealed In Pleasure &&'d Pecked His Lips Saying ' Welcome Home Baby ' Y | N (( Your Name )) - *Pecks Roc's Lips* I've Missed You SO Much ROC - *Deepens The Kiss* I See. c: Let Daddy Show You How Much He Missed YOU MORE Y | N - *Motions Your Finger* Show Mami Papi !! ( ; ROC - *Carries You Upstairs* ' Without Breaking The Kiss , Roc Enters You Both Inside His Bedroom. Roc Gently Laid You Down On His BedAll Rights Reserved