In a school full of Quirks, Semblances, Sacred Gears, Chakra, Ultimate Talents, and Magic, there is one powerless boy who got in on pure intellect. His name? His name is Y/N Kaiba, the CEO to the Kaiba Corporation, which runs everything behind the scenes, every store, every hotel, everywhere, and because of this, Y/N is a V.I.P no matter where he goes, except Union Academy, almost everyone hates him because he's "powerless" and still outdoes them in every subject except combat in which he is forced to sit aside, due to being powerless, one day the bullying goes too far and they kill his brother Mokuba Kaiba just to make a point, enraged by this, he leaves the school and returns to Kaiba Corp for his top secret research that will give all powerless people equal rights, his duel links solid vision system is his only hope.