14 parts Ongoing Rosalita Martinez-Johnson, a young 18-year-old woman residing in the bustling city of Los Angeles, California, has been trying to cope with the burdens of Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) while enduring the oppressive presence of her abusive, drug-addicted, alcoholic father. Having spent her entire life in the city of angels, she tragically lost her mother at the tender age of 12, marking the onset of a period filled with unspeakable torment and mistreatment at the hands of her abusive father. But her life turns harrowing when her father sells her to the notorious and feared mafia kingpin. This puts her in a world of danger and uncertainty.
Rosalita unexpectedly finds an unlikely source of comfort in Vinny, the mysterious and formidable mafia boss who turns out to be an unexpected savior in her hour of greatest need, amid all of this chaos and despair. Rosalita experiences conflicting emotions as she works through the complexities of her entwined fate with Vinny, and a turbulent and forbidden attraction starts to blossom within her.
Vincent Gusto^v, a formidable figure at the age of 28, holds the distinction of being the most influential and perilous mafia leader in the entire world. He also plays the role of a caring Daddy (Caregiver) who wants to connect with someone who values him more than his wealth. This delicate balance is put to the test when James Johnson, owing Vincent a significant sum of 57 grand, finds himself in a precarious position. With a deadline of three months to settle the debt looming over him, James makes the drastic decision to offer his own daughter as a form of payment. Caught in the middle of this intense situation is Vincent's fascination with Rose, James' daughter, and his unwavering commitment to safeguard her well-being, even in the face of imminent danger. Will Vincent be able to win over Rose?