There really is an afterlife, as was told in the ancient greek myths. However, now a few of the dead, known as Reapers, are alowed to roam the earth, and collect the souls of the dead. They are able to both hurt or hinder the souls chances of getting into a better or worse place in the afterlife, but how they chose to do this varys. Some of the dead can earn their place as a Reaper, others try to live multiple lives. Many just waste away. However, every now and then a Reaper decides that they will take the worlds futre into there own hands; that decides they will use there abilitys as a Reaper for themselves. This is the story of one of those times. Shieta Dashutu wants to become on of the modern day legends, and won't let a thing like being dead stop them. However, the other Reapers don't particually like this, and the people of the world don't particually apriciate it either. Will they manage to solidify themseves as a legend, or will they be stoped by the world trying to keep order, and make sure Shieta is left on the wrong side of history.