The tale of a pair of twins who grow together and grow apart, manipulated by the cruel nature of fate. In which one discovers her solace in the magical powers of the Syrenis, and the other finds her happiness in the very instrument built to destroy the Syrenis.
This is a tale of betrayal, hatred, misunderstanding, and jealousy.
This is a tale of redemption, faith, love, and loyalty.
A tale of emotions; of the good and bad.
A tale of love and loss.
A tale of light and darkness.
A tale of the fantastical - the Syrenis - and the humans.
Updates every Sunday.
Two best friends who have dark pasts that the other knows nothing about realize their feelings towards each other and decide to give it a try. In a rollercoaster of events they discover the hidden secrets and the main issue becomes the will to fight together when this past comes to haunt them again.
Will they be able to fight through it all or will they drift apart.
Hey lovelies, this is my first book here and I will appreciate your support and comments here. I hope you enjoy reading😍