In life, description is hard for some people. It's easier for people who like to write or talk or imagine. Creative people. Although, sometimes even the creative people struggle with description. I consider myself to be creative and good with describing, but describing the story of my life is the hardest thing ever. My life is depressing and exciting and nerve wracking and in all, a roller coaster of emotion. Following along with this story, sometimes you'll laugh with me, sometimes you'll cry with me. You might cross your fingers for something and jump for joy when it happens. Maybe it won't happen and you'll feel the same disappointment I will. Actually, for all I know, you'll sit there straight faced reading because you're bored and not acknowledging the fact that I am putting my heart and soul before you. But either way. I am thankful for you choosing to take a look. Enjoy it or not, welcome to my story.
Yours sincerely,