Will include references to many other fandoms! Hope y'all enjoy! ----------------- "Mother Nature is at her finest with me bringing justice to those who need it!" -- Captain Man wasn't the only superhero in the town saving people in need before his side kick Kid Danger came in There was a young woman who went by her secret Identity "Flower Girl" You might think she was a rather pathetic excuse of a hero by her name But being able to control plants to her will as if she is Mother Nature herself along with many other abilities at hand as her weakness is Pesticides that kill plants, she's quite the powerful and well known Heroine in the city But as her real self runs a Florist in the city and keeps her powers hidden, that her grandfather gave her as she was his little guinipig to test his experiments on before his disappearance, from the public eye Now joining and helping aid Captain Man and Kid Danger against fighting crime in the city- Do they seem over their heads at this point? ------ "By the name of Mother Nature and Planet Earth, you shall be punished for your crimes! For I am Flower Girl! Nature Hero of Justice!"All Rights Reserved