Millenia ago, the universe, called Unir, was originated by Assian and Emial, the Primordial Beings. They also gave origin to the Alentë Nebula, and to the Children: Anmatar, Eramila, Pirenhad, Aumilwa, Nialitel, Minhierr, and Níssiriel. The Children would create the worlds of the Alentë Nebula: Norgdgian, Cil-e-Lian, Asgaralad, Miyanin, Estel'inam, Helrriard and Assiria. The latter would be the most beautiful, and there would arise the Aelmë, the Children of the Stars. But Minhierr, not content with this, allowed the emergence of the Helimard in his world. The Primordial Beings were pity, and allowed the rest of civilizations to emerge: the Nordmar, the Caelfim, the Asgranes, the Misanye and the Estelima. Minhierr would come into contact with strange beings from the limits of the cosmos, the Nameless. They corrupted him, causing that in his madness, the Ruin of Helrriard occurred, and with the rise of the Shadow Lieutenants, the war reached the Worlds of Alentë.
This publication contains The Lays of Unir (Unirenta), which make up the Prologue and events prior to the History of the First Era.
This legendarium has all rights reserved and is property of Anamura.