Sandy. Red. Orange. Hot. Dry.
All adjectives of one place in the world.
A desert.
Camels have been the well-known animal to survive in the desert, along with carrying people miles across them, not having water to drink for days in the unbearable heat.
Now, a small herd of horses have been stolen from their farm in the outskirts of Cairo, Egypt. Their captors have driven them out into the Sahara Desert area, leaving them there to die, the horses having no sense of where to go, or how to find their way home.
Among that herd of horses, is a four year old stallion, called Azure by his former master and mother. He happens to be the only colt left in the group after they are turned loose from their kidnappers, after their lead stallion is taken back to be sold for profit.
Horses slowly start dying out. The farther they move into the scorching hot death trap, the more fail to survive. The young mares who are left, merely because of their youth look to Azure. The survival of the herd is all with Azure.
Can he survive?
Or will he let the whole herd down?