when I woke up, it was dark and the smell of rotting flesh filled the air, in a way that made your stomach turn. I layed on the ground silently. my mouth was dry and my throat was sore.but all I was thinking was where am I? what happened? I finally lifted myself up off the cold hard ground. I started to walk around with my hands in front of me searching for a light. suddenly I heard foot steps the *click* *click* *click* of expensive shoes,and I knew they cost alot because I could hear the hard wooden soles. I quickly sat down where I was,trying not to make a peep. I closed my eyes and held my breath. finally the clicking stopped,and I opened my eyes and breathed out. it was quite for a minute and all I could hear was the Pitter patter of mice scurrying across the cold damp floor. than all the sudden someone or something jerked me up of the ground. I screamed kicked and yelled for help,than a clammy hand with long finger nails covered my mouth.