Y/n was a young girl who grew up in a world divided by a waging war of sith and jedi the republic had fallen a year ago but it seemed long then that time didn't really matter any more ,y/n had no famliy but she grew up in her own being secretive of who she was to avoid trouble she had no idea she was force sensitive to the force till the day she was met with The Grand Inquisitor of the empier he'd sensed her presence in the war beaten city y/n was afraid he'd kill her he was a inquisitor after all but to y/n's surprise he didn't attack her he only gave her a smile and outstretches his hand "Come my love I will teach you what you must know " his voice was wonderful elegant swooning to y/n his eyes held admiration in them as they glowed bright yellow in the darkness and from that moment soon as her hand touched his she was in love inquisitor took y/n with him to train her to become a inquisitor of the empier and to serve lord sidious and be by his side forever more ~All Rights Reserved