In the post-war, dystopian Chicago, factions are valued over blood. A long-time relationship between Audrey and Eric, both Dauntless-born seems to be going stronger, but with the Choosing Ceremony coming up, will one of them separate from their faction or will initiation prove that Audrey belongs to someone else, to someone who will be known as Four? That one day that is given to you, to choose, can shape your life forever. There is no going back. It will be a choice between one or the other. It will be all about choices and the consequences. The one that society accepts, condones and approves of or the one that challenges every belief that Audrey holds?
Tris. A girl with a bad past and an uncertain future. She moves from one foster family to the next.
Tobias. A boy who try's to befriend Tris but just never seems to able to get close to her.
Will he ever crack her?