To The End Of Her Days - A Fanfiction Sequel to The Lord of the Rings
28 parts Complete When Frodo has a daughter, she will have her own quest and her own destiny for fulfill. Can Arwen Baggins fulfill her task? Can she endure everything her father did, or worse? A story of love, courage, hope, and ultimate sacrifice, with old friends and new characters, including King Aragorn's son Eldarion, Sam's daughters Rosie and Goldilocks, and Pippin's son Faramir.
{Disclaimer} This story is a work of fanfiction, set in Middle-earth of the world Arda, originally created by J.R.R Tolkien, and trademarked by the Tolkien Estate. Many of the characters and all the locations within the world were created and owned by Tolkien and the Tolkien Estate. I do not own anything expect the characters I've added within the framework established in The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. The storyline (with the exception of some events outlined in Appendix B of The Lord of the Rings) is of my own invention, and is not official part of Tolkien's story canon. I am not profiting financially from this work in any way. It was created for entertainment purposes only. No copyright infringement intended.