Lan Zhan carresed my head as if I would be gone forever. 'Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan. You're such a fuddy buddy' I was laughing inside, but that caused a waterfall made out of blood that went out of my mouth. I coughed.
"We Ying, don't strain yourself. Please" Lan Zhan begged with panic. "I can't lose you, not again.
" Lan Zhan," I looked at him. "Who says you're losing me?" I asked him, amused (even though my life force was snapping away). "I died once, and got resurrected by that lunatic, Mo YuanYu. I'll live again." I told him.
He shook his head. "Its impossible to get revived twice, Wei Ying," I still managed a mocking face. "You should know, as the Yilling Patriarch." He looked at me skeptically.
"Well, you of all people should know this, Hanguang Jun." I gazed at the cultivators around me with sadness. "That the Yilling Patriarch can make the impossible, the possible" I coughed out blood, but with much difficulty.
I was starting to lose my vision. Lan Zhan yelled my name but I knew my time was up, the last thing I heard was Lan Zhan singing Xianyun.
"If I gave you my life
answer my inquiry,
Would you spend this lonely night beside me?" Everything went dark.
When Wei Ying let go of Lan Zhan hand, Lan Zhan know that he doesn't want to live in a world where there is no Wei Ying , the person who he consider his soulmate. So he decide to jump after Wei Ying.
"Wei Ying!" Wei Ying opened his eye, he see Lan Zhan falling toward him. "Lan Zhan?" Lan Zhan stretched out his hand for Wei Ying to take, "Wei Ying Take my hand! Please Wei Ying!"
"Why?! Don't you hate me?!" Shouted back Wei Ying. "No! No! No! Your Wrong! I Don't hate you! Please take my hand! I'm begging you, Wei Ying!"
Wei Ying can see how desperate Lan Zhan want to save him so he stretched out his hand for Lan Zhan to take. Closer closer closer closer until two red light and two blue light come together and then.....
-_^ let's read it in the story okay.