Loki came back from 2 years of being at Thanos, attacks Stuttgart and got arrested from the Avengers and was now sitting in a glass prison of the Helicarrier, waiting to get broken out by his controlled minions. But...what if a masked being enters the carrier with other masked people with names of animal categories, objects and abilitys...breaking him out, taking the scepter with themselves and hold Loki in a house under arrest ? What if Loki's cold heart is suddenly melting and he starts falling in love with his savior/kidnapper, being very insecure in the process ? What if he starts to love Midgard and the family of the masked being ? Will that happen or is it just a fairytale that had gone bad ?
"Are you telling stories to Loki about me and my glorious failures ?", the leader asked jokingly.
Everyone laughed now.
"Ehehehehe. Sounds like you had fun with the water back then."
The leader gasped.
"The leader just got wrecked by Loki !", one of them yelled.
Loki yelped as he got suddenly pushed into the water, which was not too cold but also not too warm.
"Dexter...what is weapon 20 8 1 14 15 19 ?", Loki asked confused.
Dexter ignored him.
"Gloom ? Pull of his mask. With force."
"Gladly Boss."
"If you call Dexter, Dexter and you are not his best friend, right hand man, lover or by blood familymember, then it is the most disrespect you can have. Either you are one of those things or you have to call Dexter, Boss. Rat just signed his own worst death wish."
Loki now gasped too and covered his mouth.
"What will he do to him ?", Loki whispered.
"Everything possible. You see all those toys there ? They aren't just there for a scary decoration. They are in use. He will use them all, kill Rat, reanimate him and then he does it over and over and over again. Until Rat spills."
I don't own any of these characters, just the masked being and his people. It will be sometimes smutty, so please be cautious about that. Loki is in this book insecure.
Her hands were timid. They were much more shy than he had been, which should've made him wonder if he'd been too forward with his actions in the first place, and there was a tremble in each fingertip as she gently reached out and put her hands against his chest. He hoped that he hadn't given away his feelings, that his heart wasn't spilling out his thoughts through the morse-code splutter of each heartbeat as she put her palm against his heart.
Her breath fluctuated from time to time, perhaps with a brush of his thumb across her mouth, or she became stunned by a thought or a feeling that floated through her. Sometimes their eyes were closed. Sometimes open. Regardless of what they could see, they stood in that embrace to feel the mingling of their breath and to hear the singing of their blood in their veins.
"Darling," Loki spoke.
The woman met his eyes.
"May I kiss you?"
Her gaze mellowed.
It was all that he wanted to do. To say thank you. To say thank you for understanding. Thank you for trusting me. Thank you for being here. Thank you for not trying to stab me in the kidney, as many people would've. It seemed that she wouldn't respond with words. It was the way that her jaw tensed as her muscles stretched, putting her on tiptoes so that she was tall enough to reach his lips. It was a split-second that her arms came up, resting now on his shoulders. His eyes met hers as he leaned in to bridge the gap.
It was the way that it all went crashing down.
Lore is a book of short stories about Marvel's Loki.
For a character as multi-faceted as Loki, it can be difficult for him to find love. Here are the stories of people who are drawn to him (whether they like it or not) and seem to fall in love with the maddeningly different aspects of Loki's character: a trickster prince, a tortured villain searching for redemption, a frost giant, a god of mischief and stories, a TVA agent, a would-be king and a sorcerer.