In the midst of one school year, in the town of Foster Island, Maine, on one solar eclipse, a sixteen year old teenage detective named Scarlet Sylvie, finds comfort solving the mysteries that doom her town while dealing with being a girl with first love, drug lords, friendship, gangs, and most importantly... Murder.
*This novel is a 5 part book series and is inspired by Riverdale, The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Bates Motel, and Nancy Drew but the Emma Roberts movie. Please don't judge.*
Life has never been easy for 16-year-old Billie. His dad is dead. His mom won't talk to him, and the people who he thought once cared for him are now desperately trying to ruin his life for revenge. Rumors of a conspiracy meant to destroy Billie's reputation start to flood his high school, and the only person who believes in his innocence is a total stranger who was watching him from the woods that day.
17-year-old Scarlet is bored with her life. Her overbearing parents try to contain her unpredictable behavior, but she is too curious and clever to not follow the things in life that catch her interests, and she has many. While executing a poorly thought out plan to investigate the town weirdo, she stumbles upon something much stranger: his awkward, emo next door neighbor. She saw what happened, and she saw what didn't happen. When she hears the accusations made against him, she takes it upon herself to free them both from their stupid, Washington town.
(Odd number chapters are Billie's POV
Even number chapters are Scarlet's POV)
This is my first story. I hope someone likes it. Okay. Thanks.
***Trigger warning ***: self harm, sexual assault