In a small desert town in the middle of nowhere, five delinquent young men struggle to make a living where they're from, and crime isn't anything they're strangers to. Yuchan, Donghun, Junhee, Sehyoon and Byeongkwan have been friends for a long time, and started sharing their funds to make do in the town. Unfortunately, that means they share all the same debt and other financial problems. When Donghun loses his job, it sends the five of them into a rut, and to get out of it, Junhee decides to take the lead in planning out various crimes and schemes to keep their heads out of the water while Donghun looks for a new job. However, things get gritty all too quickly, and the group of guys find themselves caught in a sticky situation that there's only one way out of....
After getting caught robbing a convenience store by its owner, the group of delinquents has to resort to a rather abrupt solution to the problem, and afterwards, their only option is to run as far away as they can, becoming renegades as they continuously try to outrun the law enforcement. Tensions get higher and friendships threaten to burn themselves down as they run further and further from their problems. As time goes on, and their relationships become more than unstable, the boys start to wonder whether they'll ever be able to return to normal life again.
Soobin is head over heels for his boyfriend Yeonjun. They met in high school and even now in college they are still going strong, he's even thought about getting promise rings.
The only thing is, Soobin's never met his parents and Yeonjun seems very against the whole ordeal.
Being the boyfriend he is the topic was dropped but he is starting to get suspicious of a few things.
Like why did he find the id of someone named Daniel with Yeonjun's face, why did he find a gun tucked away in his closet, and who is Beomgyu and why does he keep calling and texting his boyfriend?